Massage Memphis

Massage Envy Memphismassage memphisMemphis Massage

Choosing a Memphis Tn Massage Therapist

You got to this page because your interested in finding a Memphis based massage therapist.  There are several things to consider when getting a choosing a therapist.  Do you want to go to them, are their hours convenient, are they trained, licensed, etc.  Also, are they going to give you the best massage for your needs, and for that matter are they going to do a good job so you will come back to them regularly.  There are a few national chains that have locations in Memphis that pay their therapist just above minimum wage, while charging you through the roof  and making you commit to a monthly plan like a gym does.   The turnover in that situation is through the roof, very rarely will you see the same person again.

Benefits of choosing a locally owned Memphis Massage Service

  • Reputation: The person you deal with is building a business and will want to make sure your happy and come back.
  • Convenience: When your working directly with a small business they can work with your schedule
  • Cleanliness: The business owner is always going to maintain their workplace better than an employee that isn’t getting paid well.
  • Consultation: When you call you can speak directly to the person that is going to give you your massage in Memphis
  • Communication: Once again speaking directly with the therapist lets you know about what they specialize in, its not about taking a shot in the dark and hoping that the person “assigned” to you is capable in the area you need.
  • Evaluation: When you go back to the same therapist you know how your body is going to respond, so if you need something else done or an area given more attention the next time, they know what they did before so they can adjust to suit you.
  • Return: You know if you enjoy something, so you can go back to they same person the next time, knowing they will be their for you.
  • Chemistry: Choose a Memphis massage therapist that you connect with and have a chemistry with, that puts care into making you feel better.
  • Positive Environment: The therapist will be happy to see you unlike an hourly employee that just wants to get through their day.
  • Gift for Massage: Not everyone that goes to massage school has it unfortunately, yours should.

Other things to consider when choosing a Memphis massage you will envy

Location, obviously you want to get your massage in the part of Memphis that works best for you, not necessarily close to your house but maybe close to your work or your child’s school for instance.  There are many criteria to consider.

Modalities the massage Memphis therapist specializes in:  Maybe your looking for

The important thing is to call one of the featured therapist and see if they offer a service suitable to what your looking for and that your comfortable with them.  Understand that these professionals do this job because they love it and want to give you massage envy Memphis, yes to the whole city.

No matter who you choose just make the choice your comfortable with and lean into it being direct about what your looking for is always the best choice.

This independent site is not affiliated with the website or business Massage Envy Memphis does have a few locations, but this is not the website for that company